Explore projects
Site web des interludes, en ligne à l'adresse https://interludes.ens.fr
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Static Analyzer for a language similar to C, written in OCaml as a projet for the class "Sémantique et Application à la vérification formelle de programmes" of 2024.
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Website for inventory and suggestion management for the board game club. This can later be adapted for *-thèque or other library-like student associations.
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Site web des 48h des jeux, en ligne à l'adresse https://48hdesjeux.cof.ens.fr
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Projet pour le cours Systèmes et Réseaux (2016-17). Serveur web.
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Submission for the programming project of the MPRI course "Proof of Programs".
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Firefox OS app (and webapp) for the Velib bike sharing system in Paris.
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