Explore projects
A 2048 clone played with a RGB high power LEDs wall for the Nuit des Sciences event at Ens.
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Web interface code for Jarvis IRC bot.
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Code for the LEDs installation at Nuit de la rue d'Ulm in 2013.
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An interactive blackboard using a Raspberry Pi and a pico-projector ! http://hackens.org/projets/acheves/blackpiboard
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Code for the LEDs installation at Nuit de la rue d'Ulm in 2014.
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Code for the PiVelib project : display information on velibs on a screen connected to a RPi.
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A script to pick a color - and more coming - using a touchless 3D hand tracking system with aluminium foil.
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Draw something on a wooden board, with a marker, and cut it immediately using a CNC milling machine.
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Chaises construites à partir d'anciennes planches d'étagères. Design trouvé aux Grands Voisins (ancien Hôpital St Vincent de Paul). Machin & Élie
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