Explore projects
Parts used to build our RepRap i3, which we called Adelaide, mostly based on EiNSTeiN variant.
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Web interface code for Jarvis IRC bot.
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A 2048 clone played with a RGB high power LEDs wall for the Nuit des Sciences event at Ens.
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An interactive blackboard using a Raspberry Pi and a pico-projector ! http://hackens.org/projets/acheves/blackpiboard
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Code for the LEDs installation at Nuit de la rue d'Ulm in 2013.
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Base code for the robot, written in C++, running on the Pandaboard, or equivalent.
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A script to pick a color - and more coming - using a touchless 3D hand tracking system with aluminium foil.
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Micro quadcopter designed based on http://www.rctutor.org/3d-printed-micro-h-quadcopter.html.
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Simple GStreamer HTTP live streaming from a pipeline description, forked from https://github.com/sdroege/http-launch.
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Code for the PiVelib project : display information on velibs on a screen connected to a RPi.
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Une feuille A4 recto/verso max, distribuée aux conscrit·e·s à la rentrée. Détaille les services informatiques élèves à l'ENS, ainsi que quelques infos plus générales sur l'informatique à l'ENS (pas nécessairement élèves).