Here lies the details of the different functions coming into play in the netlist simulator, so you can understand the source code better.
Here lies the details of the different functions coming into play in the netlist simulator, so you can understand the source code better. |
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# Graph
## `mk_graph : unit -> 'a graph`
Creates an empty graph.
## `add_node : 'a graph -> 'a -> unit`
Modifies the graph to add a node to it.
## `node_for_label` : 'a graph -> 'a -> 'a node`
Give the node corresponding to the label. Raises `Not_found` if no such node exists.
## `add_edge : 'a graph -> 'a -> 'a -> unit`
Modifies the graph to add an edge to it (both nodes have to exist previously, raises `Not_found` otherwise).
## `clear_marks : 'a graph -> unit`
Modifies the graph to put all its nodes to the `NotVisited` state.
## `find_roots : 'a graph -> 'a node list`
Returns the list of the nodes of the graph that is a root, i.e. one which is not linked to by any other node.
## `has_cycle : 'a graph -> bool`
Searches through the graph with a recursively-written DFS to look for a cycle. Returns `true` if there is a cycle.
## `topological : 'a graph -> 'a list`
Traverses the graph with a DFS to create a topologically ordered list of labels (if two labels `x` and `y` are such that there are two nodes labelled by them, noted `nx` and `ny`, and there is a link from `nx` to `ny`, `x<y`). This algorithm fails if the graph has a cycle, and therefore raises the exception `Cycle`.
# Scheduler
## `read_arg : Netlist_ast.arg -> Netlist_ast.ident list`
Returns the list of the identifiers in an arguments (which is either of size one or zero).
## `read_expr : Netlist_ast.exp -> Netlist_ast.ident list`
Returns the list of the identifiers for which the single expression given as an argument depends on. Note however, that some arguments won't be taken into account as an argument.
These are : the indexes in `Eselect` and `Eslice`, the address size, word size in both `Eram` and `Erom`, as well as the `write_enable` flag, write address and write data for `Eram`, and the only argument on `Ereg`.
## `read_exp : Netlist_ast.equation -> Netlist_ast.ident list`
Returns the list of dependencies for the equation, preceded by its identifier, while keeping unicity.
## `schedule : Netlist_ast.program -> Netlist_ast.program`
Returns a sorted netlist, so that by evaluating line by line, the dependencies are respected. Raises `Combinational_cycle` if no such cycle exists (which means the netlist is doing some very weird stuff it's not really supposed to do, and you probably know what you're doing enough to find a solution to your own problem).
It works in the following way :
- Create an oriented graph $`G=(V,E)`$ with $`V`$ being all the identifiers that are present in the program.
- Complete it by setting $`E`$ such that a node $`x`$ points to a node $`y`$ if the identifier `x` depends on the value of the identifier `y` to be computed.
- Sort the node labels with the topological sort. If the topological sort fails, raise `Combinational_cycle`
- Meddle a bit to convert the `Netlist_ast.ident list` to a `Netlist_ast.program`.
# Simulator
## `find : Netlist_ast.ident -> Netlist_ast.value`
Gives the value of the identifier in the current context. Raises `Not_found` if it has not be computed yet.
## `add : Netlist_ast.ident -> Netlist_ast.value -> unit`
Adds the value of the identifier to the context.
## `val_arg : Netlist_ast.arg -> Netlist_ast.value`
Gives the value of the argument in the current context. If it does not exist, it raises `Failure "error val_arg : [id]` with [id] the name of the identifier without value.
## `anot : Netlist_ast.arg -> Netlist_ast.ident -> unit`
Updates the context such that the identifier provided is mapped to the opposite of the argument provided, bitwise in the case of a bus.
## `abinop : Netlist_ast.binop -> Netlist_ast.arg -> Netlist_ast.arg -> Netlist_ast.ident -> unit`
Updates the context such that the identifier provided is mapped to the corresponding boolean binary operator provided applied to the two arguments, bitwise in case of a bus.
Raises `Failure "Binop on two buses of different sizes"` if the function is called on two buses of different sizes or `Failure "Type Mismatch"` if it is called on a wire and a bus.
## `amux : Netlist_ast.arg -> Netlist_ast.arg -> Netlisr_ast.arg -> Netlist_ast.ident -> unit`
Updates the context such that the identifier provided is mapped to : given the three arguments, of value `s`, `x0`, `x1`, if `s`=0, then `x0`, else `x1`.
If called on buses, it will raise `Failure "Multplexer incompatible with buses"`.
## `aconcat : Netlist_ast.arg -> Netlist_ast.arg -> Netlist_ast.ident -> unit`
Updates the context such that the identifier provided is mapped to a bus consisting of the concatenation of the two buses/wires provided.
## `aslice : int -> int -> Netlist_ast.arg -> Netlist_ast.ident -> unit`
Updates the context such that the identifier provided is mapped to : if `aslice` is called with `i1`, `i2` and an argument of value `v`, `then v[i..j]`.
Raises `Failure "Nothing to slice"` if the argument provided is not a bus.
## `aselect : int -> Netlist_ast.arg -> Netlist_ast.ident -> unit`
Updates the context such that the identifier provided is mapped to : if `aselect`is called with `i`and an argument of value `v`, then `v[i]` if it is a bus, or `v` if it a wire.
## `sim_eq : Netlist_ast.equation -> unit`
Simulates the result of a single equation `(id, exp)`, by updating the register. If the expression `exp` is combinational, then just call the corresponding function, as they are described above. If it is a memory operation, try to read in the corresponding memory.
Raises `Failure "No register [id]"` if the register labelled `[id]` does not exist; `Failure "Non existing RAM/ROM [id]"` if the RAM/ROM labelle `[id]` does not exist.
## `write_mem : Netlist_ast.program -> unit`
Updates the memory context such that all the memories are updated to their current values.
Raises `Failure "Register [id] is not connected"` if the value the register labelled by `[id]`is supposed to be taking is not present in the context ; `Failure "write_enable input for RAM [id] is a bus"` if the RAM registered by `id` has its argument `write_enable` represented as a bus.
## `init : Netlist_ast.program -> unit`
Initiallizes the memory to be full of zeroes at the good size.
## `input_wire : Netlist_ast.ident -> unit`
Updates the context such that the provided identifier is mapped to the bit given by the user in `stdin`, in the form of an integer.
Note : any non nil integer is mapped to `true`, 0 is mapped to `false`.
## `input_bus : Netlist_ast.ident -> unit`
Updates the context such that the provided identifier is mapped to the bits given by the user, bit by bit, in `stdin` (it asks the value of every wire).
## `input : Netlist_ast.program -> unit`
Calls [input_wire](## \`input_wire : Netlist_ast.ident -> unit\`) or [input_bus](\`input_bus : Netlist_ast.ident -> unit\`) on every identifier marked as an input in the program.
## `output : Netlist_ast.program -> unit`
Prints on `stdout` all the identifiers and corresponding values marked as an output in the program.
Note : the values are in the form of integers.
## `sim_step : Netlist_ast.program -> unit`
Calls [`sim_eq`](## `sim_eq : Netlist_ast.equation -> unit`) for each equation in the program. Will run smoothly if the equations are ordered according to their dependencies.
## `cycle : Netlist_ast.program -> unit`
Executes a full cycle of the simulation :
- Reinitiallize the context.
- Takes the input from the user ([input](## \`input : Netlist_ast.program -> unit\`)).
- Simulates a step. ([sim_step](## \`sim_step : Netlist_ast.program -> unit\`))
- Writes in memory. ([write_mem](## \`write_mem : Netlist_ast.program -> unit\`))
- Outputs the results. ([output](## \`output : Netlist_ast.program -> unit\`))
## `simulator : Netlist_ast.program -> int -> unit`
Runs as many cycles ( [cycle](## \`cycle : Netlist_ast.program -> unit\`) ) as instructed, with an infinite loop if the step number is -1.
## `compile : string -> unit`
Reads the netlist file via some voodoo magic happening in the [netlist.ml](netlist.ml) file, then sorts it according to the dependencies of the variables ([Scheduler.schedule](## \`schedule : Netlist_ast.program -> Netlist_ast.program\`)), then simulates it ([simulator](## \`simulator : Netlist_ast.program -> int -> unit\`).
Fails with error message `The netlist has a combinatory cycle` if the dependencies cannot be resolves, and with a parse error if there is a problem in the format of the netlist.
## `main : unit -> unit`
Gathers the arguments from the CLI and then calls [compile](## \`compile : string -> unit\`). |
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